Capturing Reality
To aid in constructability reviews and equipment + service clearance placement, Ainsworth Associates Mechanical Engineers has been dabbling in the world of reality capture. This technology uses advanced LiDAR technology along with 360° high resolution photography to capture, analyze, and present spatial data. Using software plug-ins, a 3D point cloud is then imported into our design modeling software which is referenced throughout the design process to help assure that the 10 pounds of stuff fits in what is often times a 5-pound box. Using a swivel tripod and Leica Geosystems BLK360 2nd gen scanner, the team is able to reality capture a 500 square foot mechanical room in under an hour. While the included reference photo appears “grainy”, the image actually represents thousands of individual data points, all mapped to each other, which results in unprecedented accuracy. Using this information, our team then develops the new work layout with a high degree of confidence regarding the existing space and providing a safe and workable equipment layout.
Latest News
UNR Modular Chiller Plant
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Chilled Water Plant
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Introducing Zane Minore
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Annual Girl Scouts
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AEE Nevada Golf Event
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Introducing Max Petrenko
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Introducing Jack Woodhead
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Fernley Gym
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Congrats Jacob Roll & Wes Wilson
Congratulations Jacob Roll and Wes Wilson! Jacob and Wes are officially graduates in the Class of 2023. Both gentlemen earned Bachelor of Science Degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nevada Reno. We would like to extend our warmest welcome to Jacob...
Introducing Dylan Husted, EI
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