O’Brien Middle School

O’Brien Middle School

O’Brien Middle School Ainsworth Associates Mechanical Engineers recently attended the Groundbreaking Ceremony for our new O’Brien Middle School (OMS) project. This brand new three-story building is being constructed on the existing OMS athletic fields and is slated to...
East Valley Elementary School

East Valley Elementary School

East Valley Elementary School Ainsworth Associates Mechanical Engineers is proud to have provided our mechanical and plumbing design expertise to support the 10 classroom addition at East Valley Elementary School in Fernley, Nevada. The new addition included upgrades...
Michael Inskeep Elementary School

Michael Inskeep Elementary School

Michael Inskeep Elementary School Ainsworth Associates Mechanical Engineers is proud to have been a part of the design team for this new elementary school in Cold Springs, Nevada.  This new $47.7 Million, 745-student elementary school has a ground source heat pump...
Alison CE: WIS

Alison CE: WIS

Alison CE: WIS Alison is the newest volunteer member of the Career Explorations: Women In Stem committee through the Nevada Career Studio, part of the Student Services Division of the University of Nevada.  This organization consists a group of female professionals...
ASHRAE Clay Shoot

ASHRAE Clay Shoot

ASHRAE Clay Shoot Ainsworth Associates Mechanical Engineers teamed up with RSAnalysis to participate in the 18th Annual Sporting Clays Event hosted by the Northern Nevada Chapter of ASHRAE.  The event was hosted at the Carson Valley Clays facility in Gardnerville.  A...