SMART Program

SMART Program

S.M.A.R.T Women Mentoring Program In mid-September, our firm’s President, Alison Hall, spoke at UNR to introduce the upcoming Spring 2024 mentorship program. The S.M.A.R.T (STEM Mentorship and Resource Team) Committee is a group of talented female professionals from...


ASHRAE Golf It’s that time of year again! Our local ASHRAE chapter hosted its annual golf tournament at Wolf Run golf course in late September. We had a great time out on the course this year! This event benefited the local ASHRAE chapter and is a wonderful...
Debbie Smith CTE

Debbie Smith CTE

Groundbreaking Ceremony, Debbie Smith CTE Construction began on the new Debbie Smith Career and Technical Education Academy High School which will be built on the same site as the old Proctor R. Hug High School in North Reno. The project encompasses a total of four...
AAME Camping Weekend

AAME Camping Weekend

AAME Camping Weekend! While the fish weren’t necessarily biting, the team had a wonderful time at our group camping activity over the summer. The weather was perfect and events included slam ball, fishing, swimming, biking, hiking, of course drinking, and most of all...
JWood Raw Elementary School

JWood Raw Elementary School

JWood Raw Elementary School The new J. Wood Raw Elementary School opened this August with just enough time for the 2023-2024 school year. Being one of four AAME designed elementary schools built in the last six years, this 87,000 square foot building provides 28 new...